Saturday, June 21, 2008

This Just In!

Normally I wouldn't report this. This blog is being printed in a book form for Kimi so I had to mention this historic day in the life. After a heat wave, a very restless night, a 2am bath just to get cooled off, we headed north to visit Kimi's Nini Sandy and Yea Yea Rick. We had a great time but it was one of Kimi's fussiest days we could remember. Kimi learned the itsy bitsy spider and can't stop singing it courtesy Rick and Sandy (this one I need to get on video). We got home to do our usual routines, then Kimi went to the bathroom completely on her own from start to finish. Without even telling me or needing help! She went in took off her diaper (which she can change herself LOL!) set up her ladder potty, and climbed right up! She has been very close to being potty trained since we got home but today she was on her own completely. Our little girl is growing up so fast! Needless to say there was a lot of cheering and chocolate ice cream!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Kimi's 1st modeling gig

I actually took this pic it was hard. Kimi had about 7min. before she was running around like crazy. The photoshop touch up is not great but I couldn't resist posting this pic. Kimi has been asked to be in a calender for kids adopted from Taiwan! I'm excited we may get some great B&W photos after all.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Good Bye to our friend and Stepmom

We sadly said good bye to Jeanne Feeney my stepmom. She passed away late May. She would have enjoyed Kimi when she was feeling well. She did get to meet Kimi in early May but it was brief as she was not doing well. We pray she is at peace now and looking over us enjoying watching Kimi. She will be missed and remembered as a loving kind person. Here are some photos of Kimi and my side of the family. We took our first car trip to LA for the ceremony, it was looooong. I got sick with a nasty flu and then so did my dad...sorry. Kimi did great for such a long drive. On the 8hr car drive Kimi slept 1 hour! At home when we are just driving around the city she will crash out in the car so easily go figure! Anyway we made it to the ceremony in LA and back sort of in one piece. My dad and I still recovering from being sick.

Cousin Nicole showing Kimi how to rock your sunglasses!

Yea Yea (Gpa) and Kimi out for a walk.

Move over Nicole there is a new cousin in town to share Yea Yea (Gpa) .

Nini and Kimi in her sailor dress, thanks to Nini for all the babysitting so we could sleep a few extra hours!

Cousin Nicole and Kimi meet for the first time, Kimi loves her cousin!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

First Family Trip to Disneyland

Kimi's first stroller nap @ Disneyland!

Dancing after learning princess dances @ the princess fair.

May 10th and 11th we went to Disneyland for the first time as a family. We were celebrating my 1st mother's day and Kimi's 2nd birthday. We had a great time, Kimi loved meeting Mickey Mouse and visiting his house (literally). We went to California Adventure and Disneyland there was so much for Kimi to do. To see her face when she saw Mickey and do her first Dumbo ride was priceless. We met two other friends with kids and a lot of fun with them. We did our first princess breakfast. Kimi wasn't sure what was going on as she knew nothing about the princesses. Now she gets very excited to wear her princess pull up's. I also got her some princess slippers for a successful first week at Mandarin School (day-care).