Monday, December 27, 2010

Holidays 2010

We have just finished with boxing day also known as the day after Christmas. I wanted to update the blog as soo much has happened in a year and a half since the last post.

The holidays started for me back in October with a quick but needed trip to Loreto Mexico. We stayed in the nicest little villa and enjoyed the colbalt blue sky and warm weather! On our trip out to the island we saw 100's of grey dolphins diving all around us. Kimi was thrilled and it was magical! On the island the water is crystal clear and warm. We saw so many fish just walking in the shallow water.

Then full swing into Halloween. Also about the time Ken started at a new job. It was time for a 2nd car so we had finally found one. We started early Oct. 31st to finish the deal which was the last day of the sale. To make a long story short I headed to work at 3pm, Ken and Kimi to the dealer to finish the car. They ended up missing the Halloween party they were supposed to go to, and trick or treated on Max and Erich's street which filled her candy bag twice over! Luckily she had a costume in the car she started off wearing that day. Earlier when I asked her what she wanted to be for Halloween she said a doggie (the same costume as the last 2 years!) Who am I to argue. Every day there were dress rehearsals of princess dresses, ladybug costume, and talk of wearing the spider man outfit she had begged me for but never wore. I still feel bad she missed her party and had to wear the lady bug costume that happened to be in the car. She fully embraced her lady bug, she was a trooper and was eating candy for a long time after 10/31!

We made a quick trip to Disneyland and celebrated JJ Rubin's 6th Birthday. We stayed at the Grand Californian it was a real treat and one of the best trips to Disney in a long time. Kimi went on the Materhorn for the first time, she cried the whole time and vowed not to ride it again. We'll see how long that lasts. She is such a good traveler she loves to roll her own bags and it is so helpful.

Then quickly into Thanksgiving season. And still no word of final home study even though I thought it was finished and to our agency. We have been talking about little brother who waits for us in Taiwan for so long now. More waiting is in store. Ken and Kimi headed to cousin Nancy's for Thanksgiving they had a wonderful time I was later told Kimi was the "Belle of the ball". Knowing I would not be at the party, I had coached her for many days on things like instead of saying YUK YUK loudly if you didn't like something, try no thank you!

Then Christmas season was here. I vowed to enjoy this year since the last two years were so rough with Ken in and out of work, I had to work and missed most holidays or was just exhausted when not working. We started early with a visit and stay from Nini Kimi loves Nini and is so excited to see her and wake her every morning. First activity was skating in Union Square in the outdoor rink. There was a news crew and filmed Kimi she was so darn cute.

Then we had parent teacher confrence, Kimi's teachers complemented her and told me how generous and helpful she is in class. She loves spending time in the building and reading center. I was so proud I promptly took her to Toys R Us for a new to she picked out a wood cookie baking set, she loves to pretend she is a flight attendant passing out hot cookies.

We also started baking cookies which is one of her favorite activities. She made an early visit to Santa and when he asked what she wanted for Xmas she said she had a lot of toys already and didn't need paints or art supplies either. Then he finally said not even a Dora she said oh she did like a Dora castle with the yellow bed. (We had seen this at the store when she got her cookies).

This was the first year she really understood Santa and trying to be so good to get on his nice list. Ken got sick with cold only to recover in time for Schaefer's Party in Sonoma with Pisole! I was going to make this since they had not had their annual holiday party last year. Whaa Laa it was a Pisole party and so much fun. Then quickly to restock Kimi with lots of clothes since she was outgrowing everything even teachers had commented. I couldn't get away with calling short jeans knickers anymore. Then we made Gingerbread House, decorated the house more, went to Christmas school show. Twas the days before Christmas and Ken and I got the stomach flu. I ended up going to the ER getting hydrated we spent the until the 27th recovering.