Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The computer is down!

Excuse our no posts lately..especially during this fun time of year. The picture friendly computer is down and in repair, promise more posts and pictures to come soon. We are doing great, Kimi is getting so big and smart. She is talking so much in English and in Mandarin, she out talks us in Mandarin now (which isn't hard to do). She often has conversations with the owner of Jasmine Tea House our local Chinese Restaurant they end up laughing and Ken and I are lost. This season has been a lot of fun we have been ice skating in the outdoor rink, visiting Santa, and going to many parties. grandma is visiting now and Kimi is having the time of her life beign spoiled.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I'm so excited to experience Kimi's first Holidays. Starting with a visit to the pumpkin patch to pick out a Halloween jack o lantern. Kimi ran around picking up all the pumpkins she could. Then she picked out a perfect big, med, and little one.

Kimi and Daddy with her medium pumpkin!

Kimi's first bounce house! Those are a real work out since she doesn't bounce unless I jump hard to make her bounce.

It was fun falling all over the place!

Look out project runway I'm designing a line of hats/underwear....very versatile.

It has been a beautiful October and we have been on lots of trips to the zoo, here is a family pic.

The mini tractors in the petting zoo are a hit!

Time for some community beautification! Neon pink and blue paints were perfect! First I'll paint the paint brushes!

I think I'll repaint this car blue, it really needs a fresh coat of paint.

Just wanted to update some photos and new news. There isn't any new news but Kimi's first ever holidays are coming up and I'm very excited to experience them with her. Over the past few months I have been working a lot to make up for Ken being officially unemployed. I'm working 2 jobs and 7 days a week with one day off. I really miss being with my little Kimi. She is continuing with her Mandarin daycare which she enjoys. She started gymnastics and loves it she asks to go often. I will say we are going to school tomorrow with your friends, she will say no the other one, other school. She says nastics as she tries to do the splits or does downward dog. She is a natural and has very good balance. The second class she was up on the high balance beam ( with padding below of course). Now we can't keep her from climbing.

She is speaking so much both languages, she continues to count however we are working on expanding our numbers I think she is board with counting to 10. She likes to pretend to make and sell me or anyone food. Her specialty is chocolate cake and pizza, she never forgets to collect the money and quickly sticks it in her pocket. She loves cooking and we recently made our first batch of oatmeal cookies she actually helped a lot. We also made a fig tart for Max's birthday. She knows to ask for Tylenol for fever, orajel for her teeth, and ice with kisses for boo boos. She is almost ready for coming to work with me. Ken and Kimi do visit me for dinner@the hosp job they join me sometimes. Now when I go to work she says Kimi go work too it is heartbreaking to hear. We are thinking she can read or has memorized books we read. Tonight she pulled out a book we have not read in a long time and she look at the cover and said colors! which was the title. The other day she was reading a numbers book and on the right page she was saying numbers huh? She has an amazing memory, recently we were in a mall where we visited the Easter bunny last March! We walked in and she said bunny rabbit? I remembered we saw him there long ago. We are close to finalizing our adoption and met with a SW last week. During the meeting Kimi was running wild she was bringing the stool out of the bathroom to climb up and get dog treats! She is such a problem solver. She like to keep a small stash in her drawer of dog treats to doll them out as she sees fit.

Friday, September 5, 2008

One of Kimi's first trips to the beach, or at least a beach that was sunny! She loved the sand and water...just look at that smile!

Before the beach we went to a park with water spouts, here she is running through in between spouting water!

She could have been carried away by the balloons there were so many. This was a party for all kids from Asia. We had a blast and Kimi went to her first concert/dance performance. She was so cute saying BYE really loud every time a performer would leave the stage.. she had the whole auditorium laughing.
I added this picture because she picked out these fantastic pink boots earlier that day and I couldn't resist!

Random cuteness the morning before the beach riding a stone snail!

We have managed to have a few fun outings in between my new hectic work schedule. our summer has been very cold so we headed 30min. south to warmer weather ( by 20 degrees). We found a part of an ocean inlet that has wave less water and a park play area on the sand. Kimi had a great time and so did mom and dad relaxing in the sun.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kimi and her silver spoon

This is Kimi with her first (and only) silver spoon! It was a gift from our cousin Lilian who lives in NY.

Kimi loves getting little blue boxes...who wouldn't!

She loves her spoon and takes good care of it, she makes sure not to throw this one!

Marissa, Kimi, and Kyle! The three cousins on ken's side of the family. Kyle came to visit from Virginia. We had a good time golfing and swimming. Kimi loved Kyle's magic tricks and eating his chocolate cake!
We decided to celebrate all the cousins birthdays since it was the only time they were all together. This is the delicious B-Day cake!

Here is the crew out for a walk, can you believe it is the middle of summer and we have to wear winter clothes! Have you heard the saying the coldest winter was the summer in northern cal?

Kimi and daddy went swimming with the cousins.

A girl and her dog, they are inseparable most of the time!

This is Kimi opening her gifts for her cousin B-day party! Like her summer outfit haha.

I'm behind on blogging these days so there is much to catch up. First I'm excited to announce a few of Kimi's Taiwan mei mei's (sisters) are coming home to their families in California Lucy and Gracyn after very long court adoption cases! Kimi actually met Lucy briefly when we were in Taiwan. We can't wait to get together with them. Best wishes to all the little ones on their way home. This summer stinks here, it has been cold and dark I think we have had 4 days of sun. Kimi has not been able to wear all the summer outfits she has. We have been going to a park 30min. south of here just to get some sun. On th job front....Ken' s company decided to close after 6 months of negotiations to be bought by a Chinese company. Thier first game sadly did not do well. I can't get into to many details now but new projects are in the pipeline for him. For now I have taken extra shifts @ work and he is MR. MOM and finishing up closing the company! His cooking skills have pleasantly surprised me, one dish was so good I thought it came from a restaurant! He still has a ways to go in hair styling dept. especially working Kimi's favorite 2 ponies doo.

Kimi is doing well, she is getting her bottom two 2yo molars in and that has made her fussy. She is doing well in her Mandarin School, she is speaking a lot of both Mandarin and English. She is also counting which she loves to do. She is also loving trains and any type of tunnel! We went to train town on the 4th of July, there is a miniature train and it goes through long dark tunnels. I taught her to clap her hands in tunnels to help the darkness go by fast. After that at home she was saying nano nano. It took us a long time to figure out she was saying tunnel! Now she loves going under freeway passes she claps her hands saying nano nano again. She is loving watching gymnastics, swimming, and running in the olympics. we may sign her up for a toddler gymnastics class since she is trying to do fancy downward god and headstand moves.

We have been with Kimi for 7mos. we are adjusting well to being a family. Most of all we celebrate everyday she is in our lives!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

2 parties in 1 day!

Party #1 a baby shower early in the afternoon. I love this dress, she was completely overdressed for the bbq party. I couldn't resist.

Party #2 Erich's B-Day in the country. Which one is real?

Kimi on the cutest cow you have ever seen!

Kimi has become an avid runner, she loves running and watching runners go by. She will say pow pow (run run in Mandarin) and start running. It is really cute when her top half of her body sways in a waddle. Here she is running pretty straight.

Kurt (half pictured) Sam, Kimi, and Grant playing in the awesome country yard.

Rick and Erich, Happy B-Day E!

Max, me , and Kimi with cupcake!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

This Just In!

Normally I wouldn't report this. This blog is being printed in a book form for Kimi so I had to mention this historic day in the life. After a heat wave, a very restless night, a 2am bath just to get cooled off, we headed north to visit Kimi's Nini Sandy and Yea Yea Rick. We had a great time but it was one of Kimi's fussiest days we could remember. Kimi learned the itsy bitsy spider and can't stop singing it courtesy Rick and Sandy (this one I need to get on video). We got home to do our usual routines, then Kimi went to the bathroom completely on her own from start to finish. Without even telling me or needing help! She went in took off her diaper (which she can change herself LOL!) set up her ladder potty, and climbed right up! She has been very close to being potty trained since we got home but today she was on her own completely. Our little girl is growing up so fast! Needless to say there was a lot of cheering and chocolate ice cream!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Kimi's 1st modeling gig

I actually took this pic it was hard. Kimi had about 7min. before she was running around like crazy. The photoshop touch up is not great but I couldn't resist posting this pic. Kimi has been asked to be in a calender for kids adopted from Taiwan! I'm excited we may get some great B&W photos after all.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Good Bye to our friend and Stepmom

We sadly said good bye to Jeanne Feeney my stepmom. She passed away late May. She would have enjoyed Kimi when she was feeling well. She did get to meet Kimi in early May but it was brief as she was not doing well. We pray she is at peace now and looking over us enjoying watching Kimi. She will be missed and remembered as a loving kind person. Here are some photos of Kimi and my side of the family. We took our first car trip to LA for the ceremony, it was looooong. I got sick with a nasty flu and then so did my dad...sorry. Kimi did great for such a long drive. On the 8hr car drive Kimi slept 1 hour! At home when we are just driving around the city she will crash out in the car so easily go figure! Anyway we made it to the ceremony in LA and back sort of in one piece. My dad and I still recovering from being sick.

Cousin Nicole showing Kimi how to rock your sunglasses!

Yea Yea (Gpa) and Kimi out for a walk.

Move over Nicole there is a new cousin in town to share Yea Yea (Gpa) .

Nini and Kimi in her sailor dress, thanks to Nini for all the babysitting so we could sleep a few extra hours!

Cousin Nicole and Kimi meet for the first time, Kimi loves her cousin!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

First Family Trip to Disneyland

Kimi's first stroller nap @ Disneyland!

Dancing after learning princess dances @ the princess fair.

May 10th and 11th we went to Disneyland for the first time as a family. We were celebrating my 1st mother's day and Kimi's 2nd birthday. We had a great time, Kimi loved meeting Mickey Mouse and visiting his house (literally). We went to California Adventure and Disneyland there was so much for Kimi to do. To see her face when she saw Mickey and do her first Dumbo ride was priceless. We met two other friends with kids and a lot of fun with them. We did our first princess breakfast. Kimi wasn't sure what was going on as she knew nothing about the princesses. Now she gets very excited to wear her princess pull up's. I also got her some princess slippers for a successful first week at Mandarin School (day-care).