Friday, September 5, 2008

One of Kimi's first trips to the beach, or at least a beach that was sunny! She loved the sand and water...just look at that smile!

Before the beach we went to a park with water spouts, here she is running through in between spouting water!

She could have been carried away by the balloons there were so many. This was a party for all kids from Asia. We had a blast and Kimi went to her first concert/dance performance. She was so cute saying BYE really loud every time a performer would leave the stage.. she had the whole auditorium laughing.
I added this picture because she picked out these fantastic pink boots earlier that day and I couldn't resist!

Random cuteness the morning before the beach riding a stone snail!

We have managed to have a few fun outings in between my new hectic work schedule. our summer has been very cold so we headed 30min. south to warmer weather ( by 20 degrees). We found a part of an ocean inlet that has wave less water and a park play area on the sand. Kimi had a great time and so did mom and dad relaxing in the sun.


Unknown said...

What a doll! Love the new photos. Hope you're taking care of yourself and not working too hard! Enjoy this special time! Hugs, Tiff

Our Family said...

Kimi is such a cutie! Everytime I see her I am in awe of how adorable she is!! Loved the beach photos and glad to hear you are all doing well. Bummer about working so much. Kimi saying goodbye to each performer reminded me of Samantha. Only she does it with Waitresses!!! EVERY time they drop something at our table or just stop by to ask something she yells, with her best giant wave, BYE BYE, loud enough for the entire restarant to hear. Some people are clearly annoyed! But as my sister and I say if you don't want to deal with kids or noise don't go out!!

Take care and give Kimi a big hug from Sierra and Samantha! Lori

William's Family said...

Great photography, as usual. Kimi is just precious. I love her fashion sense.

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

Kimi is so beautiful :) What an angel :) I love the new pics :)

Noah's Mama