Saturday, December 1, 2007

Puppies and Hellgate London on same day

Are you lovin the new site? Welcome to the new blog, eventually older posts will be attached here. We have no word on Taiwan, little Kimi is going to miss the Holidays we will save gifts for when she arrives. The only news we have heard is that our agency is sorry they do not have information or updates. They assure us the case is in the court with a judge and going smooth, "no news is good news". Sorry no news is agravating and seems to be more so to our friends and family. We will enjoy our last few months together continuing to live it up before we have to behave for the baby..or is that toddler...or some say college grad by the time she gets home haha.

I think we left of at the old blog with Ken's game coming out on Oct31st Hell Gate London, they are continually working out the kinks of network issues. There are still more launches around the world to come next year. The other game is Mythos. It is a free online game in beta right now. It is mine and Kimi's favorite game it is prettier than HGL.

Our dog Sabrina had puppies which happened on Ken's launch day he had to go to work after puppy #2 arrived. Luckily I work in labor and delivery so it was no big deal. Actually Sabrina did all the work I fell asleep and she had two more pups quietly for a total of 4. 4 weeks old pictured is Tiffany, Go-Go (doggie in Mandarin), Holiday, and the only boy Gary Cooper. The mama is Sabrina who is the only dog we will be keeping. Don't you want one for X-Mas?


Rebecca Lily said...

Oh what cute puppies!!! They are adorable!!

I wish so much that Kimi could have been here to spend Christmas with you... yeah, definitely before she's in college would be good. LOL. I'm glad you're able to have a sense of humor about it!!


Tiffany said...

OMG the puppies are sooooo cute!!! I'm hoping you hear news soon - sorry I didn't call you back I'll do it this week I'm hoping you are all doing well!!!!