Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Out with Blue and White back in with Red and Green OHHH and 1st Decree!

Back to Xmas season now to pull out the red and green decorations, it's my favorite time of year. Ken's good friends growing up were Catholic and my good friends growing up were Jewish, so after 12 years+ of catholic school mixed with some Hebrew school, we love and celebrate both holidays! It is perfect timing for the gift of Kimi's first decree! We got the call yesterday saying the court has given the first approval of our adoption! We are so excited and stunned everything is very real now......no question Kimi is ours for the keeping! The other great news is that two of my good friends also waiting for decrees for their children in Taiwan also got word. Lori lives north of us will be bringing home Samantha, and Teresa who lives near Atlanta, GA will be bringing home Jeremiah! I hope we get to travel together!

What we know now, first decree is official as of Dec 3rd! We wait for travel packet and more paperwork to arrive later this week. We should be traveling sometime towards end of January! I have not been able to call everyone as we have important renewal papers we are dealing with. These are most recent photos of Kimi we have.


Nick and Brandi said...

Oh My GOSH!! I feel like my baby is coming home! We are sooooo excited about this great news. What a Christmas gift.


Rebecca Lily said...

YAY!!! So excited to hear of your 1st Decree!!!! That is wonderful news. What an awesome Christmas present for you all!!


mly95014 said...

Congratulations Megan and Ken! FINALLY the wonderful news you've been waiting for! It's also awesome that the other HAI SLC parents got their First Decree notices the same time.


Tiffany said...

WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!! We are so very excited Kimi is coming home - it's about TIME :) We have been anxiously awaiting her homecoming and cannot wait to meet her. I'm sure you're over the moon with excitement and nervousness with the next steps..enjoy every last minute of it - Enjoy you're last 6 - 8 weeks together as a family of 2 - - -in a little over a month, you'll be a family of 3!!! YEAH!!! :) If you have ?'s you know where to find me LOL

Lots of love -
Chris, Tiffany and Sophia

Our Family said...


I am sooooo glad that you will be traveling to pick up Kimi. Us traveling to pick up Samantha would not have been as great if you and Teresa were still waiting. I can't wait for us all to get together with our babies!


McQuivey Family said...

So happy for Kimi to finally come home. I think that you have had the hardest wait. Congratulations!

Sherry said...

YEAH!!! Thats great news! Im so happy you heard word finally & just think... next time this month you may be sippin bubble tea & hangin with Kimi! Thats so exciting! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Email me if you need anything... I can't wait to see those pics of you guys together:)

Yvonne Crawford said...

Wow congrats! That is so exciting. and I have to say she is just the cutest thing ever.

I hope you get to travel very very soon.


LaLa said...

She is beautiful!!! Congrats on getting closer : )