Monday, December 3, 2007

Over The River and Throught The Woods....

When you live in SF it's over the bay and through the Golden Gate Bridge to Grandmothers house we go... We had Thanksgiving at Kimi's adopted Grandparents house in beautiful Sonoma. This is also where our wedding rehearsal dinner was it's like being somewhere in the French countryside. Thank you to our kind hosts Sandy and Rick and to our families who graciously excused our absence this year. The dinner was delicious everyone brought a different dish and we had two turkeys, one was smoked in an egg? One of the traditions is to go around and say what you are thankful for, Sandy always makes everyone cry, it is so sweet. This year we have so much to be thankful for family, health, and friends. It was even more special because our friend Gurjeev who had a lung transplant earlier this year was with us and in good health and spirits.

Sandy, Ken, and I

Chris and Carries Baby Grant @6mos, he can't wait to play with Kimi!

Grandpa Rick and Otis in the new back yard

Old Sonoma Farm House

Mark and Gurjeev with new bionic lungs !


Maria said...

Dear Megan,

It sounds like your family is enlarging for Christmas. What a nice Christmas gift.

We are coming to visit my parents for Christmas and to look for a location to have a wedding in the summer. We got married October 8, 2007 and the wedding will be in California some time in July.

love, Maria and Micheal

Sherry said...

Love the new blog look:) All I can say is how come I never been to a Halloween party like that?? LOL! Next year I'll fly out & join you:) Oh... & those have got to be the cutest puppies ever!

Unknown said...

Hi Megan and Kenny-

I love your blog, especially the design and the cute pic of Kimi. It's so much fun to be able to click on a blog to see "what's new" in your world.


Anonymous said...

Love the new blog! Love the Sonoma farm house (so jealous!). Love the puppies! Can't wait to see more of Kimi here!

Rebecca Lily said...

What a beautiful house. Looks like a very fun family gathering!! And baby Grant is awfully cute... I have a baby Grant too!!


Tiffany said...

What a great family gathering - looks like a great time can't wait for kimi to join this fab fam :)

thinking of you - -